One on one Private Tutoring
We specialise in private tutoring on Sydney’s North Shore, Sessions can be delivered at your home, a local library, or via Zoom. Our prices start at $70/hr + GST depending on age, location and mode of delivery (online or face-to-face). We cater for all ages and subjects:
High School
Specific assistance for neurodivergent students or students with additional learning challenges. Click here for more information.
All levels of English including HSC extension subjects
All levels of Maths including HSC extension subjects
HSC Economics, Business, and Legal Studies
All levels of Science including
Primary School
Selective School Admission
Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
We specialise in tutoring on Sydney’s North Shore, in suburbs including Kirribilli, Mosman, Cremorne, Neutral Bay, Crows Nest, Cammeray, Northbridge, Artarmon, Willoughby, Castle Cove, Chatswood, Lane Cove, Hunter’s Hill, Roseville, Lindfield, Killara, Gordon, Pymble, Turramurra, Wahroonga, Warrawee and Hornsby. We also have a focus on Maths tutoring, English tutoring and Science tutoring on the North Shore of Sydney. Our tutors can travel to your home to conduct the tutoring sessions.